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Macro Thoughts

Analysis, Ideas and Reflections on Macroeconomic Topics

Articles: 1-10 / 388
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The legacy car market is collapsing, and high tariffs cannot save it.

Kevin Walmsley
Inside China Business, 6 January 2025

Why is China hiding 700 billion dollars?

Kevin Walmsley
Inside China Business, 13 November 2024

Wo Kommt Die Inflation Wirklich Her?

Dr. Richard A. Werner der Vater der quantitativen Lockerung präsentiert uns in diesem ausführlichen Vortrag vom Event "Marc lädt ein 2024" die Geschichte und Hintergründe der Kreditgebung. Warum er meint, die Inflation wäre eine Lüge und sei gewollt, wieso wir Dezentralität brauchen und jede Menge weitere Informationen, jetzt!

Prof. Richard Werner
Marc Friedrich, 26 October 2024

The Fed’s Big Cut Meets Cognitive Dissonance

The world is largely of two minds about the Fed’s -0.50 percentage point cut Wednesday. Neither seem right to us.

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff
Fisher Investments, 18 September 2024

Manufacturing in the United States

Total Construction Spending: Manufacturing in the United States

FRED, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, July 2024

The U.S. is not the most concentrated stock market

Weight of top 10 stocks in MSCI country equity indices

Rahul Ghosh, Portfolio Specialist, Global Equities
T. Rowe Price,  From the Field, June 2024

U.S. share of global equity market is rising

Country shares of global equity markets

Rahul Ghosh, Portfolio Specialist, Global Equities
T. Rowe Price,  From the Field, June 2024

Swiss Central Bank Just Sent a Warning to the World

Few were expecting anything more than a few franc sales from the Swiss National Bank today. Instead, the SNB boldly cut its ST rate specifically because it knows what's coming from around the rest of the world. And that doesn't mean inflation in Switzerland or anywhere else.

Jeffrey Snider
Eurodollar University, 21 March 2024

Was läuft derzeit schief bei der Energiewende?

Beim Thema Energiewende verfolgt Deutschland einen festen Plan: Abkehr von fossilen Brennstoffen und Verzicht auf Atomenergie – gleichzeitig massiver Aufbau der Elektromobilität. An den globalen Rohstoffmärkten wird diese Vision derzeit aber nicht geteilt.

FERI Cognitive Finance Institute, 15.03.2024
Articles: 1-10 / 388
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