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The Synchronicity Chamber

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The Death of Alexander the Great

After his death, the military fought for control over the land Alexander had conquered and this, combined with the silver Alexander had brought from the Middle East, led to one of the first inflations in history.

Dr. Bryan Taylor, Chief Economist
Global Financial Data, August 7, 2023

The new age of conformity and uniformity

Anyone remember Apple's commercial of the late 1990s, ”Here's to the crazy ones”?

InvestmentOffice, June 2023

“The Crowd: a Study of the Popular Mind”

An influential book from 1895 on the social psychology of crowds, originally written in French (“Psychologie des Foules”).

Gustave Le Bon (1841 – 1931), May 2023

Liminal Spaces in Financial Markets

Liminal spaces are understood as physical locations that are transitional in nature, somewhere between origin and destination. Their aesthetics is associated with feelings of eeriness, apprehension, and nostalgia. Now, what would be its equivalent in financial markets?

Investment Office, January 2023

''Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene''


Elon Musk
Twitter, 10 December 2022

"Diversity is just another word for conformity. It’s the new way of saying conformity, diversity".


Steven Patrick Morrissey, also known as Morrissey, solo artist, and former frontman of The Smiths.
Morrissey Interview, The London Palladium, October 2022

''La Suisse est libre, et semble placée au milieu de l’Europe, comme la lumière sur le chandelier, tout exprès pour nous embarrasser.''

Quote from "Guerre aux Chaires d’Économie Politique."

Frédéric Bastiat
Libre-Échange, 13 juin 1847

Compulsory vaccination: déjà vu pattern from the 19th century


Suzanne Humphries MD, Roman Bystrianyk
Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History, July 2013

''Non, vous n’êtes pas les hommes de la pratique, vous êtes des hommes d’abstraction… et d’extorsion.''

Quote addressed to "Messieurs les Monopoleurs".

Frédéric Bastiat
Sophismes économiques, XIII. Théorie, Pratique, 1848
Articles: 1-10 / 59
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