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Capital Markets Lab

Exploring Market Characteristics, Participants, Behavioural Biases, Correlations and Causations, Predictions, Gloom and Doom, Tipping points, Misperceptions, Noise, Risk and Returns, Uncertainty, Volatility, Cycles, Assumptions and more...

Articles: 1-10 / 350
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Meilleur Investisseur du Monde

Les Secrets du Meilleur Investisseur de l'Histoire (66%/an) ! [Didier Darcet]

Didier Darcet, Richard Détente
Grand Angle, 21 July 2024

The US-China conundrum

Equity performance in the US and China has mirrored the flow of capital

Alexandra Morris
Skagen, 2 July 2024

S&P Market Concentration Hits a New All-Time High

Standard and Poor’s has just released data on the market cap and share of the S&P 500 that the Top 10 stocks make up. The data show that once again the US stock market has become the most concentrated in the past 150 years.

Dr. Bryan Taylor, Chief Economist
Global Financial Data, July 1, 2024

''The peak of the bubble was also in a sense the peak of clarity.''


Peter Thiel
The Aspen Institute, 28 June 2024

The Life of Matthew Fontaine Maury Osborne

Anyone who appreciates the scientific study of finance will recognize the name of MFM Osborne as a pioneer, visionary, and creator of our field.

Victor Niederhoffer
Daily Speculations, June 6, 2024

Dr. Markus Krall: ESG führt zu fatalen Wirtschaftskrisen

Dr. Markus Krall
Liberales Institut, 30 April 2024

Swiss Central Bank Just Sent a Warning to the World

Few were expecting anything more than a few franc sales from the Swiss National Bank today. Instead, the SNB boldly cut its ST rate specifically because it knows what's coming from around the rest of the world. And that doesn't mean inflation in Switzerland or anywhere else.

Jeffrey Snider
Eurodollar University, 21 March 2024

Was läuft derzeit schief bei der Energiewende?

Beim Thema Energiewende verfolgt Deutschland einen festen Plan: Abkehr von fossilen Brennstoffen und Verzicht auf Atomenergie – gleichzeitig massiver Aufbau der Elektromobilität. An den globalen Rohstoffmärkten wird diese Vision derzeit aber nicht geteilt.

FERI Cognitive Finance Institute, 15.03.2024

US CPI and the Rate Cut Debate

Stocks already showed they don’t need rate cuts.

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff
Fisher Investments, March 12, 2024

Meanwhile, Thirty-Five Years Later

The Nikkei 225 just hit a new high! It has broken through 40,000 for the first time in history!

Dr. Bryan Taylor, Chief Economist, Global Financial Data
Global Financial Data, March 4, 2024
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