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Investment Review April 2023

Many impossible things are happening in the investment world at the moment; like the bluebottle which sits upside-down on the ceiling, we have to come to realise these things were not so impossible, after all.

Jonathan Ruffer, Chairman
Ruffer, Investment Review, 3 April 2023

The Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns

Annual Returns for Key Indices Ranked in Order of Performance (2003-2022)

Callan, January 2023

The Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns

Annual Returns for Key Indices Ranked in Order of Performance (2002–2021)

Callan, January 2022

Deep evidence that factor investing works well in bond markets

More than two centuries of data confirms that value, momentum and low risk offer attractive premiums. These are consistent across various market and macroeconomic scenarios.

Guido Baltussen, Lead Portfolio Manager
Robeco, Insights, 12 July 2021

Annual Returns of the Main Asset Classes in Swiss Francs (2010 - 2020)

Ranked in Order from the Highest to the Lowest Performance

Hinder Asset Management, January 2021

The Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns

Annual Returns for Key Indices Ranked in Order of Performance (2001–2020)

Callan, January 2021

Trends investing: finding the winners among skewed equity returns

A tiny proportion of stocks account for most of the market’s returns. This makes it vital to embrace trends when investing, say portfolio manager Steef Bergakker and trends analyst Sam Brasser.

Steef Bergakker, Senior Portfolio Manager
Robeco, Insights, 5-Year Outlook, 19.10.2020

Bear Market Rallies - A Historical Context

There have been five major bear markets in the S&P since the Depression, with each one experiencing rallies along the way that turned out to be false dawns.

Variant Perception Research, April 30th 2020

The Callan Periodic Table of Investment Returns

Annual Returns for Key Indices Ranked in Order of Performance (2000–2019)

Callan Associates Inc., January 2020

A caricature of retail investors psychology

Or the costs of trying to outsmart the market

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