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The Coffee Chronicles

Quotes from Everywhere and Nowhere, on Contradictions, Existence and Nothingness

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"I was born in Beijing, My given name is Puyi, together with my original Manchurian surname, my full name is Aisin-Gioro Puyi. I was Emperor of China in 1909."

Puyi, China's last Emperor, attending Tokyo trial
August 16, 1946

“Er träumte von einer Klarinette, die sich selbst spielte.“

Cosima Wagner, Die Tagebücher 3/1878-1880, 27 September 1878
Cosima Wagner on Richard Wagner: “He dreamt of a clarinet that played itself.“

"Where all think alike, no one thinks very much."

Walter Lippmann (1889 – 1974), American writer, reporter, and political commentator. 
The Stakes of Diplomacy, New York, 1915
Coffee Chronicle Quote

“I like to have around me people who find ways to do things, not tell me why they can’t be done.“

Olive Ann Beech (1903 - 1993)
Co-founder, President, and Chairwoman of the Board, the Beech Aircraft Company ("Beechcraft")
Quote Olive Ann Beech

"Some people think of the glass as half full, some people think of the glass as half empty, I think of the glass as too big!"

George Carlin
The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, George Carlin makes his 105th and final appearance, May 13, 1992

Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face."

Mike Tyson
... being asked if he was worried about his opponent's fight plan, 1987
Mike Tyson Quote

Do you consider yourself a disciplined guy, do you get up every day and work?"

Oh, I try to get up every day!“

Jimi Hendrix interview by Dick Cavett
Jimi Hendrix Talks Life as a Young Musician, The Dick Cavett Show, 1969
Jimi Hendrix on the The Dick Cavett Show

"There’s nothing else like it out there. There may be a very good reason for that, but I mean, my thing has always been trying to do what others aren’t doing because nobody can then tell you how badly you’re doing it."

Nick Foulkes
Collectability Podcast, Episode 19, October 2022
There’s nothing else like it out there.

Louis Jouvet: "Tu ne me demandes pas ce que contient cette lettre?"

Pupil: "Que contient cette lettre?"

Louis Jouvet: "Dix fautes d’orthographe, quatre fautes de syntaxe, et une protestation!"

Louis Jouvet
Louis Jouvet playing a teacher of dramatic art in the movie Entrée des Artistes, 1938
Louis Jouvet

"You have a very pretty nice dress.

Björk: Oh, thank you.

Is this the correct order you wear it?

Björk: I hope not."

Björk Guðmundsdóttir
Interview on Die Harald Schmidt Show, June 2001
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