Standard and Poor’s has just released data on the market cap and share of the S&P 500 that the Top 10 stocks make up. The data show that once again the US stock market has become the most concentrated in the past 150 years.
Anyone who appreciates the scientific study of finance will recognize the name of MFM Osborne as a pioneer, visionary, and creator of our field.
Beim Thema Energiewende verfolgt Deutschland einen festen Plan: Abkehr von fossilen Brennstoffen und Verzicht auf Atomenergie – gleichzeitig massiver Aufbau der Elektromobilität. An den globalen Rohstoffmärkten wird diese Vision derzeit aber nicht geteilt.
Japan’s prolonged period of low interest rates, a key feature of its economic policy for decades, has significant implications for global markets.
We have written many times on QE (Quantitative Easing) and QT (Quantitative Tightening); however, we have never talked about QN. QN is the ultimate goal for central banks – but what exactly is it?
For institutional investors only
“I like to have around me people who find ways to do things, not tell me why they can’t be done.“
Some people think of the glass as half full, some people think of the glass as half empty, I think of the glass as too big!"
Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face."