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Jeffrey Snider
Eurodollar University, 10 December 2022
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Peter van der Welle, Strategist SMAS
Robeco, Monthly Outlook, 08 March 2022
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Henry Maxey, Chief Investment Officer
Ruffer, The Ruffer Review, 28 February 2022
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Tony Coniaris, Portfolio Manager
Harris Associates, September 5, 2019
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Mark Robertson
Aviva Investors,  30 September 2019
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Dr. Brian Taylor
Global Financial Data, Aug 14 2019
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The Fed’s Big Cut Meets Cognitive Dissonance

The world is largely of two minds about the Fed’s -0.50 percentage point cut Wednesday. Neither seem right to us.

Fisher Investments Editorial Staff
Fisher Investments, 18 September 2024

S&P Market Concentration Hits a New All-Time High

Standard and Poor’s has just released data on the market cap and share of the S&P 500 that the Top 10 stocks make up. The data show that once again the US stock market has become the most concentrated in the past 150 years.

Dr. Bryan Taylor, Chief Economist
Global Financial Data, July 1, 2024

The Life of Matthew Fontaine Maury Osborne

Anyone who appreciates the scientific study of finance will recognize the name of MFM Osborne as a pioneer, visionary, and creator of our field.

Victor Niederhoffer
Daily Speculations, June 6, 2024

The Fed’s easing era

It’s often said that the first cut is the deepest, and that may well be the case for the US Federal Reserve (Fed) delivering a blockbusting 50 basis point (bp) cut. After 918 days, this marks the end of the monetary policy tightening brought in to tame the “transitory” inflation that came to a thunderous crescendo in 2022.

Michael Talbot
M&G Investments,  Bond Vigilantes, 20 September 2024

Are investors gorging on the carry trade?

Japan’s prolonged period of low interest rates, a key feature of its economic policy for decades, has significant implications for global markets.

Robert Burrows
M&G Investments,  Bond Vigilantes, 9 August 2024
Thinking Ahead Institute and secondary sources
Willis Towers Watson, Global Pension Assets Study 2023
Thinking Ahead Institute and secondary sources
Willis Towers Watson, Global Pension Assets Study 2023
Thinking Ahead Institute and secondary sources
Willis Towers Watson, Global Pension Assets Study 2023

"Where all think alike, no one thinks very much."

Walter Lippmann (1889 – 1974), American writer, reporter, and political commentator. 
The Stakes of Diplomacy, New York, 1915

“I like to have around me people who find ways to do things, not tell me why they can’t be done.“

Olive Ann Beech (1903 - 1993)
Co-founder, President, and Chairwoman of the Board, the Beech Aircraft Company ("Beechcraft")

Some people think of the glass as half full, some people think of the glass as half empty, I think of the glass as too big!"

George Carlin
The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, George Carlin makes his 105th and final appearance, May 13, 1992